デブラ・メッシングのインスタグラム(therealdebramessing) - 11月8日 06時23分

You did your job. You prioritized your health and you voted by mail in record numbers. Elections officials are doing their job. They are working so hard to count every single vote, and this takes time to do correctly.

Trump is desperate. He knows he’s lost, so he’s filing nonsense lawsuits, trying to slow the count and confuse us. His own advertisers told us there is no route to 270 for him. The votes are just not there.

We will win. The country made a clear choice. So take a deep breath, and trust the process. Trust the tireless local elections officials who take their job incredibly seriously, and are being meticulous.

Over 74 million votes (and rising) were cast for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris - the most in US history. They are ready to lead.

Let Democracy work. Everything else is just noise. ❤️

#democracy #democracyinaction #bidenharris2020 #election2020 #trusttheprocess


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