サム・スミスのインスタグラム(samsmith) - 11月8日 21時31分

America holds an incredibly special place in my heart. From the age of 21 I have had the honour of travelling around your country and singing and in many moments of my life I have seen America as a home. My heart is so full and warm after yesterday’s news and I just wanted to send some cyber love and reiterate what Biden and Harris said yesterday about unity. It’s the same for my country and all countries around this world. Let’s listen to each other and come together in love and kindness and most importantly ACCEPTANCE. Every life that’s lived on this planet is valid and we all could learn so much if we just listened to each other and accepted our differences. The hard work begins now for all of us and may we never ever stop fighting towards making this planet a safer place for ALL. Thank you America for all you’ve done and do and for all the magic you bring x


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




