Mammutのインスタグラム(mammut_swiss1862) - 11月14日 01時07分

Our goal is to reduce our carbon emissions by 30% by 2030. Since ropes make up 14% of our yearly CO2 emissions, we launched the rope recycling project «Close The Loop» together with @protectourwintersswitzerland. The aim of the project was to recycle climbing ropes that are no longer in use and give them a second life. For the pilot project we developed a functional T-shirt made of 100 % regenerated ECONYL nylon thereby contributing towards more sustainable mountain sports.

Click the link in our bio to read the whole story!

🎥 @schueoli

#Mammut_Swiss1862 #ClosetheLoop #circulareconomy #passionintopurpose #protectourwintersswitzerland

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