デイジー・ロウのインスタグラム(daisylowe) - 11月15日 03時39分

My very talented Mumma @pearllowe is selling her magical Joan dresses again. This dress is one of my absolute favourites, they fit so beautifully & they feel so good on your body. The perfect dress for getting in the festive spirit (yes I said festive and it’s only mid November but it’s lockdown and thinking about Christmas makes me ever so happy) so to put it bluntly, when it comes to this dress- I’m in love. In all colours. And I would like another one please mum ♥️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




The Macallanのインスタグラム
The Macallanさんがフォロー
