appleのインスタグラム(apple) - 11月16日 02時04分

Commissioned by Apple. Learn how to create mesmerizing, squishy loops with balloons + water + colorful paper + Slo-mo on the #iPhone12.

With a tripod (or a friend who can hold very still), position the iPhone 12 over some colorful paper, select Slo-mo and start bouncing. Regular balloons work best because they won’t burst as easily.

After you’ve got some great shots, you can adjust the Slo-mo timing by tapping edit and moving the slider to capture the exact moment the balloon hits the card.

Lastly, if you want to get suuuuper fancy, bring the footage into iMovie on your iPhone and use the green-screen effect (it works on any color) to layer multiple clips over each other. Cool, huh?

Try it today (if it’s nice out) or stay tuned for more Everyday Experiments.

#ShotoniPhone 12 by Donghoon J. and James T. of @InciteDesign

Music: “It’s a Game” by Show Pony


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