ジー・ヘイルのインスタグラム(officiallzzyhale) - 11月25日 08時28分

Congrats to all of my friends in the best metal performance category on their @The GRAMMYs #grammy nominations! Here’s to you @codeorangetoth @inthismomentofficial @Poppy @bodycountofficial @powertriptx ...and a very special congrats to @officialnickraskulinecz on his 20TH Grammy nomination in 2020. Rock and metal would be lost without you Nick! To all of the nominees...I know how special it is to be nominated not once but twice...and then in turn to win a Grammy in 2012 for best Hard Rock/Metal performance back when that was a category. Some of you have been nominated before and the rest of you it’s your first time. Soak it in. Bask in this tremendous milestone. I know how hard it is to work on a body of music, put all of your blood and passion into it...then unleash it to the world. So, from me to you...just know that you are SEEN, you are Recognized amongst your peers...and we celebrate you. Thank you to the metal scene for never conceding in the fight to bring the energy and continue to gift the world with your talent. Love, Rock, and Metal LIVES!


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