プラバルグルンのインスタグラム(prabalgurung) - 11月27日 00時06分

This year, I am so grateful for connection and community in the many special forms it comes in. I am thankful for New York: the beautiful and tenacious city that continues to inspire me each and every day. Despite a challenging year, I see my community continue to persevere with true grit and heart. It is this sheer force and strength that has me falling in love with the city more each day. Through this unprecedented time we have come together to fight for justice, equality, hope, and a better future. I am forever grateful for the unity and support of all those who have stood up and stood together.

I am thankful to my family - both chosen and by blood - near and far. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by compassionate and courageous individuals who have taught me countless lessons of kindness, humility, and resilience. Today, I honour the many gifts you have given me.

And THANK YOU to our doctors, nurses, medical staff, and all the frontline workers who have been courageously working to help save lives and keep the community going during this difficult time. I am eternally grateful. xPG


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