Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 11月28日 00時39分

We have all seen how Magical my kids are. You know how Magical your Dog or Cat is. To every decent person, their own Dog is the best Animal on the Planet. Well, that person is right and wrong at the same time, because it is true that their Dog is the most Magical being on the Planet, but so is each and every other living being, we just don’t know them. The beauty of social media is that we are able to see the lives of other normal people, raw. And in those vids or pics, we have been able to witness how incredible all Animals are, including some Humans. It is only us, the apparently most advanced species on the Planet, the ones that suck big time. We prostitute ourselves for likes, attention and compliments from unknown people, and we end up being miserable just to try to fit in. Look at this glorious Donkey, giving pure Love without knowing that he is being recorded. Our greed has been used against us and we think that we deserve the whole Universe so we don’t pay attention to what’s in front of us, whether it’s a Donkey, a Flower or your Beloved. We are not that bright, we could be, but in order to reach the stars we have to Love this Planet with all our Heart and soul. Without Earthly dirt there’s no Stardust, keep this advice in your Heart...
Vid by @longhopesdonkeyshelter


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