ブレット・ラトナーのインスタグラム(brettrat) - 11月28日 13時55分

We were shooting nights downtown at the time and built this diner in an empty parking lot. On this particular night @christucker was waiting for hours in his trailer and when I would go check on him he was blasting MJ dancing in the mirror. Since he was the last shot of the night I wanted to bring some energy and wake Chris up (it was 5am) I asked sound dept. to bring two large speakers to set so when Chris shot the car and blew it up we would play MJ, knowing he would break into dance and at the very least have some good bloopers for the end of the film. To his credit when my editor saw the footage he cut it into the scene. I really thought it was too much and would of been better as a blooper. Man was I wrong! At the first screening the audience jumped out of their seats and clapped and you couldn’t even hear the dialogue for the next five minutes. The studio said I needed to get permission to use the music and if not they said I would have to cut it out of the film. The record company, MJ’s lawyers, his manager all said it was never going to happen. I got the number of Neverland and must of called 500 times. No response. The day of our last test we scored a 98% excellent and one of the highest testing scenes was this one. Studio said cut it!!!! I was devastated....Until an angel approached me. It was the projectionist! He congratulated me and told me how much he loved the movie and asked me what was wrong? I said I would have to take out my favorite scene in the film. He asked why? I said because I needed MJ’s permission to use his music. He then said he was Michael’s personal projectionist and can show it to him after he watched Willy Wonka this weekend at Neverland. I couldn’t believe my ears! The one person who had access to MJ was his projectionist. Made sense. Saturday morning MJ called and told me he loved the film and of course I could use his music. I said I needed his signature and could I bring a camera as proof because no one would believe me and will think I forged his signature just to keep the scene in the film. He laughed and agreed. Moral to the story is you never know who will help on your way up a very steep ladder. G-d Bless Lee Anderson.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




