ウィル・ウィトンのインスタグラム(itswilwheaton) - 12月3日 07時14分

Yesterday afternoon, Seamus collapsed on our living room floor. We took him to the emergency vet, where they ran some tests, and discovered a large mass on his spleen. He had a 105 fever, and he wasn't responsive. The doctor told us he was in critical condition.

At almost 12 years-old, Seamus wasn't a candidate for surgery (and we weren't going to put him through that, anyway), so at midnight last night, we said goodbye to the best boy in the world.

I know that a lot of you care about our pets, because we post lots of pictures of them and talk about them all the time. You know how much we love them, and you know how much you love your pets, so you know how much this loss hurts all of us.

This overwhelming pain I feel right now is the price we know we're going to pay for the years we have with our four-legged family members. We've always known the day would come when he wouldn't be in our lives, but that didn't make the arrival of that day any easier.

I'm so grateful we got to be with him in his final moments, and we got to tell him goodbye. We got to thank him for all the joy and love he brought into our lives. We got to kiss him and hug him, and he passed peacefully, with the two people who loved him more than anything by his side.

Seamus was a special dog. At doggy daycare, they used him to evaluate new dogs, because they knew what a good citizen he was. I was always like a proud parent about that. He was a fantastic pack leader for Marlowe. He taught her how to be a dog, and he lives on in her, a little bit.

I'm going to miss him so much. I keep automatically looking for him in all of his places around the house. I know the next few weeks are going to be tough.

Eventually, all that will be left is the memory of the joy and love he gave us. But right now, today, it hurts so much. I miss his grey face so much, and I want to kiss the spot on his big old blockhead one more time.

He was such a wonderful dog, and such a blessing to have in our family. I love him, and I will miss him forever.

Bye bye, Seamus. You were the best boy, and your whole pack loves you. If heaven exists, and dogs go there, I hope you're playing ball with Riley and Ferris.


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