ナイジェラ・ローソンのインスタグラム(nigellalawson) - 12月11日 17時53分

It is Hanukkah, the Jewish festival that is by way of a divine ordination to eat fried food, so of course I’m having apple latkes for breakfast! My recipe is adapted from one of the great @Joan_Nathan’s, and is as follows:
Mix together 150g plain flour/ 1 cup plus 2 and a half tablespoons all-purpose flour, 2 x 15ml tablespoons potato flour (or use cornflour/cornstarch), 2 x 15ml tablespoons sugar, half a teaspoon cinnamon, half a teaspoon baking powder and quarter teaspoon bicarb/baking soda in a decent-sized bowl.
In a jug, whisk 100g/ half a cup plain or Greek yogurt, 175ml/ three-quarters of a cup milk and an egg. (And all of these need to be taken out of the well in time to they’re not really cold.)
Grate - fairly coarsely- 2 good-sized apples (I used one Cox’s Orange Pippin and one Granny Smith, and I didn’t peel them)
Whisk the contents of the jug into the bowl of flour etc, then fold in the grated apples.
Heat in a generous amount of oil in a large frying pan/skillet and dollop rounded tablespoons of the batter in batches into the pan, without overcrowding it, fry for about two minutes then, when bubbles have formed on top and the underneath is golden brown, turn over and fry for about a minute a half on the second side. You may have to add more oil as you get through the batter; alas, unlike the Hanukkah story, the oil will not replenish itself.
Pile on a plate and douse with maple syrup. I didn’t manage to keep a tally of how many this made as I forgot how many I ate while I was frying, but I’d say around 24 little lakes. And, by the way, the fact that one of these actually came out in the shape of an apple - due to the ooze of the batter as I flipped one over - is a piece of random luck. Or a miracle!


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