メリッサ・フランクリンのインスタグラム(missyfranklin88) - 12月16日 05時13分

Hi all! Just checking in🤍 My emotions have been all over the place going into the holidays and I just want to see if everyone is doing okay. I simultaneously feel so grateful, blessed, and so TRULY happy, while sometimes also tired, overwhelmed, and sad because of how much I miss loved ones and friends. I’m letting myself just feel everything I can, knowing that no emotion is permanent and trying not to feel guilt for those feelings that aren’t as much fun! I have this man and this best boy by my side through it all, and they are my sunshine every single day. Sending you all so much love and virtual hugs🤍


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




