ピーター・ファシネリのインスタグラム(peterfacinelli) - 12月26日 03時33分

My sister Linda posted this about my sister Joanne. Loved this and wanted to share. Please make sure the people in your life know how special they are this year. Be Somebody... for Somebody.
Merry Christmas!

❤️ What does it take for someone to be a Somebody?

I’ve been pondering this question for couple days now. It started because I asked a friend for a recommendation and he said “me? I’m a nobody”.

That statement, to be honest made me want to cry. Because this man is the most genuine, kind thoughtful and inspirational Man you could ever meet. So I began to think. What makes someone a somebody? Is it their title? President? CEO?Headmaster? Or maybe it’s it’s someone who drives fancy cars? Or someone who Wears really expensive sneakers you can’t find anywhere? Is it the Sports stars? People in magazines?

Then my sister shared a story with me about her 80-year-old Neighbor on the block. Her neighbor lives alone with his dog and she always sees him,like clockwork, walking his dog six times a day.

Joanne makes sure that if he’s out with his dog, she stops to say hello — because that’s who my sister is. She always has a smile for someone. She decided to make something for her neighbor for the holidays. When she drooped it off, he told her he was so grateful that she always makes time for him because he feels invisible. When he walks the neighborhood his neighbors don’t see Him!

So I ask you ..::what do you think it take for someone to be a somebody? In my opinion my sister is a Somebody.

When you care about somebody else you become a somebody

Please go out today and be a Somebody. You never know who needs kindness that you and only you can give and share with the world.



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