ヴィッキー・パティソンのインスタグラム(vickypattison) - 12月28日 20時14分

It’s easy to feel confused, inadequate & a little bit lost this time of year- in particular this crafty little space of time between Christmas & New Year when no one really knows what day it is or what exactly they should be doing.

One glimpse at Instagram & you’d be forgiven for thinking everyone totally has their shit together. My timeline is awash with perfect & glossy pictures like this one of me & Erc- it’s full of ludicrously creative ways to turn your leftovers into Michelin starred meals, it’s full of ostentatious piles of presents & designer gear. It’s full of people out & about, already banging on about their January health kick & how many steps they snuck in before breakfast.. & as impressive as all of this is, it does not have any relevance on your life & it should not have the capacity to make you feel bad about how you’re choosing to spend this time.

This year we have all had challenges to face & personal obstacles to overcome- & if you have made it this far with only a few minor breakdowns & your sanity in tact you should be giving yourself a huge pat on the back, not comparing yourself to others online.

There is no right or wrong way to spend this period- if you want to spend it cosied up on the sofa having a movie marathon with your fella & demolishing a cheese board then do it, if you want to spend it shovelling cold pigs&blankets into your gob in the same Christmas pjs you put on on Boxing Day then do it.. Similarly if you want to pop on a frock, do your makeup & feel glam because you haven’t had much opportunity to this year.. THEN DO IT!! ❤️

There should be no pressure to do anything at all- The only thing that you should be doing right now- is not feeling guilty at all about how you’re choosing to enjoy yourself or judging others for how they’re relaxing. @ercan_ram and I have spent 95% of this festive period looking like picture 2, in fact the bird in picture 1 is a distant memory 😂 AND THAT IS FINE 😂

This time is yours to do whatever you want with it- but if you do one thing- please don’t compare your behind the scenes shots to another persons highlight reel. Just do you, unapologetically & enjoy it ❤️

Merry Christmas All 🎅🏼


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



