Vogue Italiaのインスタグラム(vogueitalia) - 12月29日 23時00分

FANTAGIRL, I am the woman I am. The next #Fantagirl is Benedetta @queenbeetty: “I hope to be an example for all women, especially the youngest ones, to prevent, face reality, accept yourself for who you are and at the same time always try to be the best version of yourself. Last year I had persistent pain in the breast and for this I did a first ultrasound from which nothing had emerged. However, the pain did not cease but on the contrary other symptoms perceptible to the touch were added. At the time, I did not immediately realize this, but gradually, starting the various tests such as mammography and biopsy, and when the outcome was breast cancer there were no longer doubts about the diagnosis. The cancer was very big and I necessarily had to do a demolition surgery as there was nothing I could save from my breast, not even the areola and the nipple, which were also infiltrated by the disease. Immediately after the removal of the breast, I was implanted with a silicone prosthesis. And it was there, when I left the operating room, that I understood exactly what had happened to me. I spent the whole period of my convalescence in the hospital alone, due to the covid, and although people close to me told me when I was discharged that the worst was over, for me the worst started right then, when I was discharged. I found a body different from the one I knew. For the first 20 days, although I was curious, I couldn't see much due to the bandages. Later, when they were removed from me, as soon as I saw myself I thought it was horrible, I felt like a foreign body that didn't belong to me. Of course, it's only a small part of my body, and only one breast and not both, but still I didn't recognize myself in what I saw. Especially since silicone is not comparable to real breasts.”
Read the full interview by @Carinemorris_ via link in bio.
Photography Arianna Genghini (@callmepocahontas)
Fantagirl is a project devised by brand @Fantabody_ - founded by @Carolina_Amoretti in 2015 - in collaboration with #VogueItalia. An ode to the female body, regardless of its shape and skin colour.


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