Takiのインスタグラム(taki_faky) - 12月31日 09時52分

A year without you My Yaya .
This year is full of bad things , but the worst thing was saying goodbye to you . I miss you every single minute of the day . I miss calling you and ranting about work or my friends or mom . I miss your calls while I’m work or sleeping . I miss your nonsense messages , I miss when you force me to drink my medicines when I’m sick , the smell of burnt tocino in the morning . I miss when you check up on me when you know I’m sad . i miss hearing your voice . I miss when I hear you say “okay Lang yan Beh” I miss having a beer with you before sleeping . I miss you yaya and every day gets harder without you . I’d do anything to get a chance to hug you again . Please keep watching over me , like I promised you I’ll be a good girl .


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




