ダニエル・ピーザーのインスタグラム(daniellepeazer) - 1月4日 05時04分

I can’t talk right now I’m doing hot girl sh*t.....like eating whatever and whenever I want, chilling on my sofa for hours and basically doing whatever the f*ck I want. To those of you
pressuring yourself to stick to a ‘new year’ diet/lifestyle/routine I want to share something with you..... I eat, because I like food, as demonstrated by the photos in this carousel 🤤 I exercise, because it makes me feel better mentally, as demonstrated by my DPM weekly workouts. ‘Earning’ food or exercising to ‘burn off’ meals is something that no body should ever do. It’s absolutely fine to have weight focused goals just like it’s fine to not have those goals. But with quickie-diets/fat-loss-plans/
fitness-challenges exploding onto your timeline in January, whether you chose to see it or not I want to be that little voice that tells you to disconnect the 2. Eat because you want to (and because food is delish) and move your body because it feels so damn good. Here is a carousel of images of me doing things that make me happy plus something I recently saw @roxienafousi post about how to approach exercise and couldn’t agree more ❤️ #newyear #intentions

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