タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 1月11日 19時52分

Over the years....... If it all ended tomorrow I would be graceful about bowing out cause I can’t believe my life..... Just trying to inspire someone who is in that uncertain place in their life...... What’s next? Guess what? That’s where the magic is cause after over 20+ years? I still don’t know what’s next..... If it was all explained and mapped out fir you that would ROB you of the butterflies..... The butterflies 🦋 you feel in your belly happens when the unexpected happens.... But I trust God and have faith that he’s got me covered!!!!!! If you pray and believe the same for yourself he’s got you... If you agree say amen! [ ps ] I couldn’t believe I was on stage with my idol Stevie Wonder and live on stage he kept asking ME??? What songs I wanted to hear? And for 15 mins he sung every song I requested........ Unbelievable Unbelievable Unbelievable....... @therealjoethomas was trying to console me.... No bro I couldn’t believe what was happening....


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




