シャーロット・ケンプ・ミュールのインスタグラム(charlottekempmuhl) - 1月14日 01時25分

Just received the call from lab. Last year of my work is destroyed on a smashed drive and cant be recovered. I could barely move for 24 hours and went into mourning and shock. But my friends mentioned how Tarkovsky had to entirely reshoot Stalker when the film was improperly developed, and Sean reminded me Hendrix left his tape masters for Axis Bold As Love in a taxi cab and was forced to redo them. My dad, a bird enthusiast, always talked about how Audubon had his life’s work burnt down and redid all the watercolors of bird encyclopedias. So it’s either jump out a window or spring into action and begin a marathon of redoing everything. It’s so painful but maybe you can glean some wisdom from my blunder- ALWAYS BACKUP IN MULTIPLE PLACES. 💿 💔


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




