レイア・ゴールドクールのインスタグラム(leilss4reals) - 1月16日 08時22分

To all the moms out there doing everything they can to keep their babies happy, fed, and safe... you are enough. Maybe you’re able to do it all while keeping the house clean, or getting yourself ready in the morning, or homeschooling, maybe you’re even brining home the money that puts food in your families bellies. But even if you’re ‘just’ dedicating your days to your little ones, that is enough. Your job is the most important, most complicated job in the world, bravo for making it through the day! Take some time to do something for yourself WITHOUT feeling guilty about it! Because if mama isn’t keeping herself happy, fed and safe; it’s going to be an (even steeper) uphill battle to provide those things for them.

If your still reading this, you may have gotten to the point where your wondering why I chose such a random photo for this post. Well, it isn’t a reflection of my babies. Millie isn’t always crying and Felix is usually full of smiles BUT after spending just about every second of the last year with these two, Ive just scrolled through my camera roll and this was pretty much the only photo I could find of the three of us together 🥴 2021 I’m going to make more of an effort in that department.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



