キャロル・ラドジウィルのインスタグラム(caroleradziwill) - 1月19日 09時15分

A wise man schools us in race. One year later he was murdered. Don't you all get tired of peace quoting? There is so much work to repair what the white power structure put into place a century ago. I applaud all those who continue Dr. King's fight.

Let's start with voting in more black people at all levels of government then move onto real reparations in black communities that were discriminated against by banks, by underfunded education policies, by a police system put in place a century ago to enslave black people. •

I'm a white chick from NY and I'm damn sick of all the posturing and sloganing on social. I can't even imagine what it feels like to be black in America. 2020 woke up people to racial injustice, it took a fascist and a pandemic but now that everyone knows as Tom Cruise so eloquently put it, " Show me the money!" #slavery #redlining #segregation #jimcrow #defundthepolice #reparations 🇺🇸


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