ニック・ナイトのインスタグラム(nick_knight) - 1月20日 07時13分

Every day my life is made a little better and I become a little happier simply because of the incredibly beautiful work of @Uzo Hiramatsu .
So I am truly thrilled to tell you that @Uzo Hiramatsu will be taking over SHOWstudio.com ‘s collections coverage to illustrate Paris Fashion Week A/W 21 menswear.
It is his flower paintings that first touched my heart which like his abstract work are filled with raw emotion . Emotions bought through colour choices and mark making, complete with stains and scratches. Hiramatsu describes his work as an improvisation of himself and the world around him.⠀

Explore more of his wonderful art on SHOWstudio.com and make your life better by following @Uzo Hiramatsu !


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




