クエストラブのインスタグラム(questlove) - 1月22日 15時34分

Man....food reviews on social media is m’bag...but #Cheesesteak reviews are damn near strip club status w me: I mean can I indulge? Not really....will I indulge if they ain’t lookin and by they I mean she uh maybe 👀—-jokes I’m just playin I’m serious... @seekaychin you see this!!!????? Lol—-we gotta plan a pilgrimage as soon as we flatten the—-RID OURSELVES of this virus is what I meant to say...anywho I went to bed dreaming about a jawn I never had before. Follow @jljupiter’s food review: very on point imma have to make a Philly run after going to his YouTube page. Quickfast. @JaysJoint215 I can’t wait to try this! (Btw how could you not use “JaysJawn” lol so perfect!)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




