ケンゾーミナミのインスタグラム(kenzominami) - 1月23日 04時48分

In Japan, when there is a death in family in previous year and in mourning, we don’t send New Years Card (年賀状 Nengajo) for the coming year. And as my grandmother had passed away last year (who was the wife of my grandfather who had also passed away in 2019), my family had not sent any this New Year. Maybe it’s something similar is happening here - many people had died last year and continue to be dying, and maybe something fundamental also had died in America and we are in mourning. So when a friend said the other day that she feels strange to tell people to have Happy New Year, I agreed that I have been feeling the same. It felt sort of inappropriate. But what a time and country we live in now that we have to wonder if it is inappropriate to tell friends to have a Happy New Year. Also, how crazy and cruel the world have to be that I felt even inappropriate or didn’t want to take up anybody’s time to talk about my grandma’s death, because it felt like the democracy itself was on its deathbed.

The one of the things that I learnt from the last year and beyond is that we can’t take absolutely anything for granted.

I was already hesitant to post this at the beginning of the year and then the Capitol breach happened. So I am not sure if I am supposed to actually say Happy New Year here (then I was told that since I am her grandkid, it’s okay for me to send one - the rules are kinda vague with these things), but I hope you are good. And Happy New Year.


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