サイモンとマルティナのインスタグラム(eatyourkimchi) - 1月24日 01時47分

Martina here 📸 There are many different ways to view the same situation. Snow can be inconvenient. The suburbs can be dull. Winter can be awful cold. Rather than repeating and cementing these ideas in my brain as “the one truth” I’ve been actively trying to see the beauty around me. These are all photos I’ve taken from various strolls around the suburbs in Toronto. I’ve always been a lover of snow; no snow fall is exactly the same. ❄️ Some snow is great for shaping, while some is fluffy and fleeting. On some days, the ground is covered in snowy moulding clay, briefly imprinting doggie prints and human prints alike. Snow people and snow forts spring up one day, and vanish the next. It takes the correct cold-to-warm ratio for icicles to appear. And if you’re outside to catch the gorgeous sunset filtering through the trees, you’re also on a mission to GTF home before it completely sets...otherwise you’ll be freezing your butt off. Yes, it can always be an adventure and a #buildaladder win if you take a step back from the yap-yap-yap prattle inside your own head. Even if just for 5 minutes, give it a try and see what beauty you can find around you.


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