レオナルド・ディカプリオのインスタグラム(leonardodicaprio) - 1月28日 01時36分

After a 70-year absence, Jaguars once again roam free in the Iberá Wetlands of Argentina.

Congratulations to the government of Argentina, Argentina’s National Parks, the Province of Corrientes, Fundación Rewilding Argentina and Tompkins Conservation for their commitment to rewilding this iconic species, and the local communities of Iberá and all the people of Corrientes who have supported this unprecedented effort and who welcome the return of the Jaguar! I have been supporting Tompkins Conservation, including on their exciting Jaguar rewilding efforts, for many years.

With the release of the female jaguar Mariua and her two cubs born at the Jaguar Reintroduction Center, Karai and Pora, Argentina has taken an important step to restore this top predator to Gran Iberá Park, a 1.7-million-acre wilderness protected area, and to securing the future for the Jaguar in Argentina, where the species is Critically Endangered with fewer than 200 left.

The return of the Jaguar will also help restore full ecosystem health to Iberá, much as the return of the wolves did to Yellowstone in the United States. Argentina is embracing this important strategy of rewilding as a tool to combat the extinction crisis and move toward a healthier, wilder and more equitable planet.


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