手越祐也さんのインスタグラム写真 - (手越祐也Instagram)「農業の色んな件の視察に行ってきたよ😊 無農薬で体に良いものを作る農家の方達はみなさん素敵でした!!  あとやっぱり自然と緑に囲まれたところは癒されるし最高だよね。  4枚目は初めてみた自販機だから思わず撮っちゃった笑 パパが出張に行ってる間は子供たちは実家でゆったり。 スカルとエマとティファが3人で並んでるのめちゃ可愛くない?😍 2月もさまざまなお仕事や撮影や打ち合わせがあって充実させてもらってます! 心から感謝✌️  Went on a tour of various agricultural matters 😊. The farmers who make pesticide-free products that are good for you are all wonderful!  I've been to a lot of places that are surrounded by nature and greenery and it's really relaxing.  The fourth picture is the first vending machine I've ever seen, so I couldn't resist taking it. While I was away on a business trip, the kids were relaxing at my house. Isn't it so cute to see Skull, Emma, and Tifa all together? 😍 I've had a lot of work, shoots, and meetings in February, and it's been fulfilling! Thank you!! from the bottom of my heart!  #手越祐也 #yuyategoshi #手越祐也オフショット #てごにゃん #テイッ」2月3日 16時21分 - yuya.tegoshi1054

手越祐也のインスタグラム(yuya.tegoshi1054) - 2月3日 16時21分



Went on a tour of various agricultural matters 😊.
The farmers who make pesticide-free products that are good for you are all wonderful! 
I've been to a lot of places that are surrounded by nature and greenery and it's really relaxing.

The fourth picture is the first vending machine I've ever seen, so I couldn't resist taking it.
While I was away on a business trip, the kids were relaxing at my house.
Isn't it so cute to see Skull, Emma, and Tifa all together? 😍
I've had a lot of work, shoots, and meetings in February, and it's been fulfilling!
Thank you!! from the bottom of my heart!



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



