アン・カーティスのインスタグラム(annecurtissmith) - 2月5日 13時27分

Dahlia before and after I read her the comments on the fundraiser page we put up in celebration of her upcoming 1st birthday. Please keep them coming. Love reading them 😘 Now, as parents, we understand more than ever how important the first 1000 days of life are for a child and we want nothing more but for ALL babies to have a better start in life. Specially now, it’s such a trying time for parents and their little babies 😭 So, if you do have a little extra to share, please do join this meaningful cause. Any amount is much appreciated and we will match the final amount and donate all funds to @unicefphils. Link is in my bio and in my stories!! 🌸 Thank you and have a lovely weekend sweethearts 💕


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