セロのインスタグラム(cyrilmagic) - 2月18日 08時15分


You give me money, I’ll give you creative.
I’ll start when the check clears.
Time is money. More time is more money.
I’ll listen to you. You listen to me.
You tell me what you want, I’ll tell you what you need.
You want me to be on time, I want you to be on time.
What you use is yours, what you don’t is mine.
I can’t give you stuff I don’t own.
I’ll try not to be an ass, you should do the same.
If you want something that’s been done before, use that.
If you want your way, you have to pay. 
If you don’t pay, I have final say.
Let’s create something great together. #

This is not mine and was passed to me by a bro and is funny... yet sort of really gets to the point!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



