パティ・マレットさんのインスタグラム写真 - (パティ・マレットInstagram)「It’s been awhile! Thought I’d say hello.  Been trying to figure out life outside of social media as much as possible and doing my best to avoid drama— (not an easy task these days).   I recently came back to Canada for a little while until things are not as crazy and unpredictable. Enjoying family and rediscovering my roots and parts of who I am that may have gotten a little lost along the way. I’m also enjoying the rest and slower pace of life. I’m only ever a plane ride away.   It’s a difficult time for so many. My heart goes out to all of you who have been suffering or have lost loved ones as of late. I am praying for better days to come. I know for me, Jesus makes everything more bearable. I don’t know how anyone copes without His love and comfort.   Please leave a comment of something positive you’re learning or doing now in spite of all the hardship, sadness and darkness in the world today. We need more light and hope. Tell me something happy or something you have overcome.   Xo Love and hugs.」2月18日 11時35分 - pattiemallette

パティ・マレットのインスタグラム(pattiemallette) - 2月18日 11時35分

It’s been awhile! Thought I’d say hello. Been trying to figure out life outside of social media as much as possible and doing my best to avoid drama— (not an easy task these days).

I recently came back to Canada for a little while until things are not as crazy and unpredictable. Enjoying family and rediscovering my roots and parts of who I am that may have gotten a little lost along the way. I’m also enjoying the rest and slower pace of life. I’m only ever a plane ride away.

It’s a difficult time for so many. My heart goes out to all of you who have been suffering or have lost loved ones as of late. I am praying for better days to come. I know for me, Jesus makes everything more bearable. I don’t know how anyone copes without His love and comfort.

Please leave a comment of something positive you’re learning or doing now in spite of all the hardship, sadness and darkness in the world today. We need more light and hope. Tell me something happy or something you have overcome.

Xo Love and hugs.

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