グラント・ガスティンのインスタグラム(grantgust) - 2月20日 08時58分

A little progress report from last season to this season. About 7 months ago I finally decided to break my cycle of not taking care of myself as well as I should. As many of you may know, I’ve had anxiety and sometimes depression for as long as I can remember. Over the last 7-10 years or so as I’ve been more of a “public figure” and had a busier schedule, my anxiety only got worse. It has always had a terrible affect on my appetite and just motivation in general. Covid and the time to just be alone with myself a lot more really helped kickstart wanting to be a better me. That’s included eating better(and more), working out, daily meditation, and just trying to be more present and happy with who I am. It’s honestly one of the reasons you’ve seen a lot less of me on social media. For me personally, spending a lot of time on here can be like a black hole. It’s not usually the best use of my time or the best thing for my mental health. I will always be a work in progress, but I’m proud of myself for taking steps I wish I could’ve taken a long time ago to be a better version of myself physically and mentally - not only for myself but also for the people around me. All this to say, around episode 2 or 3 of season 7, Flash is gonna have a little bit of beef on his lanky frame. But more importantly I feel much happier and more present than I have in a long time.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




