デイヴ・アスプリーのインスタグラム(dave.asprey) - 2月27日 04時45分

I love this @ジミー・キンメル clip talking about what every parent has been through when their kid refuses to eat healthy food.

It’s painful for parents because we have mirror neurons that mean we literally feel other people's pain, including hunger. Anytime our kids experience distress; we experience distress because we are connected.

Here’s what I did when my kids went through the phase of attempting to assert control over their parents (and food😉) long before they had enough knowledge and brains to make good choices.

When my son was somewhere around five or six, he suddenly decided he didn’t want to eat vegetables at dinner one night.

I looked at him with a big smile and said, “That’s awesome!”

He looked at me with a puzzled look, so I continued, “it takes about two or three months to starve to death. I am so happy that you have decided to join me in an intermittent fast. We can do it for a few hours or even for a day or two, and it will be safe. Let’s put our food back in the fridge, and we can break our fast later.“

He shot me a dirty look and decided to eat dinner.

He’s 11 now and chooses to eat a healthy diet—no drama along the way.

The reality is that kids do best when they eat when they’re hungry, and they don’t eat when they are not hungry. But if you feed your kids stuff that makes them have cravings, they want to eat all the time. After all, how would you know the difference between a craving and hunger when you are a little kid?

I don’t recommend regular intermittent fasting for kids because we want epigenetic signaling that tells their genes to build healthy, thriving cells because there is plenty of food and it is high-quality.

That said, I would rather my kids intermittent fast than eat a sugary junk-filled breakfast which is only going to make them have a hard time focusing and controlling themselves as they work on learning to become happy little humans. There is more on this in my new Fast This Way book, which has been the number five best-selling book in the country, ahead of Harry Potter (for at least an hour. 😂)

How do you get your kids to stop fighting the pancake war in your house?


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