エミリー・DiDonatoのインスタグラム(emilydidonato) - 3月2日 02時01分

Meet @covey launching 3.3.21 🕊

I’ve hinted at this secret project that I’ve been working on for the last 3 years 🤯 and I can’t believe its almost time to share it with all of you! Let the countdown begin!

So much time, energy, thought, passion, research and late nights have gone into this - and YOU have been the inspiration behind it. Covey (pronounced kuh-vee) means a small flock of birds or a small group that support each other - that’s how I think about all of you. You’re my Covey - and I can’t wait to celebrate this launch with you.

Any guesses on what it could be!? Follow @covey for hints and leave your guesses below 👇🏻 If you guess correctly, you may just get a package from me with #covey ‘s first launch 👀


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




