モデル、ブロック・オハーンのインスタグラム(brockohurn) - 7月7日 13時33分

So this post has been incredibly hard for me to post. Slide 1 is me a few days ago. After 4 months of putting my head down and getting to work. Day in and day out. Slide 2 and 3 are me the day I decided to stop listening to doctors and chiropractors and my depression telling me not to workout because it’ll only make my injuries worse. Slide 4 was before it all.

During the beginning of covid I never realized how big of an anchor staying fit was in relation to my mental health. I knew it was big but not how big. Something I don’t talk about often and I think I should, is that I grew up with clinical depression.

I used to be embarrassed of this to be honest. Now I’m grateful. But it’s the reason I always tell people to stay positive and know the best is yet to come.

I always used health and fitness to claw my way out of the darkness. Until it was virtually taken away from me due to gyms closing and multiple injuries simultaneously.

And it lead to one thing after another. Until I found myself succumbing to terrible habits. Eating terribly, sleeping terribly and lost all of my confidence.

I somehow booked a show that required me to be in shape and I’ve been working on myself full steam ever sense.

I did it before when I weighed 130lbs at 6’3” and everyone told me I’d never have muscle. That my genetics will always be skinny.

Just like back then.. I took my life in to my own hands. I’ve studied countless hours. Not only on how to help my mental state but my physical. Introducing recovery, proper nutrition, eating to heal, stretching, meditations are some of the few habits I now do daily to sustain happiness.

I knew, I just needed to FOCUS & have DISCIPLINE.

Many wouldn’t believe I ever got out of shape in the first place. I’ve always been that guy who’s been healthy and in shape. But the proof is in the pudding.. and the cake.. and the fast food and ice cream. Oh and let’s not forget the PIZZA. Lol

I’m saying all this so that hopefully someone who needs to hear it takes action, To Heal, To grow, To research & to work towards being their best self. Happy.

I have more to say but I think I’ll do a podcast. Instagram is saying it’s 2 long lol
God Bless


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




