ジェームズ・ヴァン・ダー・ビークのインスタグラム(vanderjames) - 8月20日 22時43分

Woke up at 4:30 am with anxiety. Well, actually - a tiny human woke me up, and after helping her to the bathroom, that’s when the anxiety kicked in. In the middle of our vacation.

I see the divide. I feel the fear. And I know an Instagram post isn’t going to solve it for anybody. But this story keeps popping into my head, so I’ll share it:

In my early twenties, right after getting famous, someone contacted me through my reps and said a high school teacher of mine had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and wanted to speak with me. Which was odd, because I’d had that teacher for literally one class - not a semester - just a single class for a subject I ended up not taking.

I got on the phone with her, and after a few awkward pleasantries, she asked why I’d requested the call. Confused, I said I’d been told she’d asked for it. Turns out, no. So then we took it upon ourselves to figure out a deeper reason why this had happened. And as I listened to her pause for a moment to speak with a young daughter she knew she’d never see grow up, I naively asked if her ordeal had revealed any truth she wanted to share. After a fairly dubious pause, she said this (and I’m paraphrasing):

If you think of life as a circle, and you’re in the middle of it, you get to choose what part of the circle you move towards. What energies you want to move into. All of it still exists, of course, and there’s no use denying that it does… but the question of where you want to spend your energy - and which reality you wish to experience more of - is up to you. Much more than we realize.

Those words have always stuck with me. Sharing them in honor of her, in the hope they find whoever else might need them today.

And, also… because I couldn’t do a flip off a log and NOT post it, amiright? 😇

Wishing you all health and joy today…


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



