アリアニー・セレステのインスタグラム(ariannyceleste) - 9月10日 14時48分

Heaven just earned a beautiful angel. And while I selfishly wish you were still here, I know you are at peace and no longer in pain. @suzesuzeq I can’t put into words what you meant to me . You were more than a friend , you were my family - my best friend, my bonus mommy . You were there for me through every heartbreak and tribulation. You held me up and gave me confidence while constantly reminding me of my worth. You were the first person I told about my pregnancy and I remember being so scared but knowing that telling you would make me feel better. You reminded me that no matter what I did in life my worth was more than my job, and that starting a family was one of the biggest blessings in life. You had a way of always making me feel like everything would be ok. You taught me everything I know about beauty outside and within. You set the standard for what compassion should look like, making sure everyone you met felt important.
@suzesuzeq was someone that gave so much of her self to others with a smile on her face, even when she was fighting her own battle with life. I thought I would have more time with her, but I’m so thankful for the times we shared even recently when things were tough. She was the strongest person I know and it’s not going to be easy for me to let her go.
I love you Suzy, I’m so happy you got to meet Raiden . He loved our FaceTimes and lit up when you made funny voices or faces. Thank you for giving me your unconditional love. You asked me recently if this fight was worth it, and at the time I wanted to say no. I just couldn’t stand to see you in pain. But instead I said of course…you HAVE to keep fighting and if anyone can do it it’s YOU. It all makes sense to me now and YES it was worth it. Through your strength , your love, and your light you have touched and inspired so many lives. I will miss you everyday . I love you @suzesuzeq 🙏🏼🤍 #suzysfight #suzyfriton #fuckcancer #iloveyouforever


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