ハリー・アイキネス=アリエティのインスタグラム(aikines) - 9月28日 01時12分

🏃🏾‍♂️ 💨 last rep of 6 x 150m with 4 minute rest
😓 It was tough. The final rep always pushes you to your limits both physically and mentally. 💪🏾 🧠
It’s always easy to start the journey and start a session but it isn’t always easy to complete what you set out to do or even just complete that session on that day.

It’s Monday, what goals are you setting yourself this week that you are going to complete 💪🏾 #LetsGo
🧑‍✈️ @victorsgram

#Training #Explosive #Conditioning #trackandfield #tracklife #sub10 #Sprinter #Gym #workout #FitLife #Tracklife #power #TeamNB #TeamUSN #TeamMiraFit #Sprinter


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



