エマ・マッケオンのインスタグラム(emmamckeon) - 10月10日 09時54分

Today is Wold Mental Health Day 🌏 I think we have done an amazing job in beginning to be more aware and understanding of this very real issue, which is the root cause of so many other things…It is definitely important to remember that what looks like goes on for people from the outside (often through the Insta highlight reel), is often very different from what goes on inside for people. I’m certainly someone going through my own mental health struggles, and I have always believed that we need to be kind and understanding of everyone you come across in life, because you never know what is going on for people just by looking from your own perspective. We can change a person’s day for the better just by simply doing that ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



