ウィリアム(ケンブリッジ公)のインスタグラム(princeandprincessofwales) - 10月20日 00時18分

Addiction is not a choice. No one chooses to become an addict. But it can happen to any one of us. None of us are immune.

Yet it’s all too rarely discussed as a serious mental health condition. And seldom do we take the time to uncover and fully understand its fundamental root causes.

The journey towards addiction is often multi-layered and complex. But, by recognising what lies beneath addiction, we can help remove the taboo and shame that sadly surrounds it.

As a society, we need to start from a position of compassion and empathy. Where we nurture those around us, understand their journey, and what has come before them.

We need to value and prioritise care and support, helping to restore and connect individuals who are clearly suffering, to the people around them.

That is why I am so passionate about the work of @TheForwardTrust, an organisation I am so proud to be patron of. This is the work that you, and many other charities, provide day in, day out. And it is needed now, more than ever.



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