ヒル・ハーパーのインスタグラム(hillharper) - 12月30日 06時18分

As this year drives to an end and 2022 is just days away…I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but I know I do—

—-You are perfect exactly the way you are…and happiness is a journey…one that you deserve to take…you’ve earned it, just by being you…so claim it now and have an unreasonably happy 2022!!!

It feels in many ways, that we live in a world that is increasingly trying to steal our happiness away— It’s an increasingly augmented reality world that bombards all of us with constant reminders that you, just the way you are, isn’t enough…or the the idea that finding happiness without it being attached to outcome (or likes or views or followers or photoshop) is somehow Pollyannish and to simply be happy with who you are and what you have is naive. All of those notions that seem to fundamentally diminish your inner light and beauty and magnificence are big lies pushed by big tech. You are magnificent. You are brilliant. You are allowed to forgive yourself and others. Vulnerability and unreasonable happiness are inextricably linked!! To smile!! To laugh!! To Love!! Remind yourself how wonderful you are!
You— exactly the way you are deserve to be unreasonably happy. I am thankful, grateful and inspired by each of you!!

#choosehappiness #chooseempathy #choosegrace #chooseforgiveness


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