パメラ・ライフのインスタグラム(pamela_rf) - 2月5日 02時01分

Happy Weekend ☀️ spending our 2nd week on the Maldives in the wonderful @parkhyattmaldiveshadahaa / anzeige 🌴 We got a breathtaking villa on the beach, on the sunrise side. This means: waking up every morning before dawn 😮‍💨 Cannot miss this magical hour here! Have you seen my stories?

🌿 What I especially like about this island: they take SO MUCH care about the nature 🐠 The reef is known as one of the best and most alive on the Maldives, the island itself looks a bit like a jungle, they have a big garden to plant their own veggies, fruits and herbs & they very carefully build the luxurious architecture „around“ everything 🏝This means: rather make a room in a different shape than chop a big tree. And still, everything feels and looks perfectly luxurious.

📍 @parkhyattmaldiveshadahaa
via @maledivenreisen #maledivenreisen


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