レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 2月24日 06時42分

deep breaths.

hung out for 5 minutes, 30 seconds today. slowly working my way up toward longer plunges without pushing myself. this is not an ego thing. there is no force or exertion happening here. I’m not “making myself” stay in. there is no holding on.

it’s a letting go.

every second in here is a practice of presence. I plunge and when I sense my body tensing up, I make the conscious decision to relax. I notice my breath becoming shallow, so I gently allow it to grow deeper. every sensation and shift becomes so palpable you have no choice but to truly be there. and the deeper my breaths are, the deeper my surrender becomes. the more I surrender, the more I soften. the more I soften, the more capable I become lingering in discomfort.

there are a million benefits to ice plunging but my favorite one is the quiet stillness that expands in the gap between breaths.

it’s not cold. it’s not hard. it’s just a quiet unfolding of what already is:




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