インフォメーションのインスタグラム(in4mation_) - 5月12日 04時57分

In4mation 20 Years

“truthfully, this was gonna be my original mother’s day post, but thought i’d split it and obtain the ok from the big homies to use, which is on youtube. anyways, my mom will always be mentioned about how i got into clothing for she brought me into this store 20 years ago. she doesn’t remember exactly who she talked to (todd, ryan or both) prior to bringing me, but the respect they’ve shown to my mom, after telling her to bring me in, really made an indelible impression on me, just like their vision/store’s impact on me, which made me respect them even more after she told me this the first time.
stepping into in4mation from TnC, HIC, Sera’s, Bikewerx, and the like was an eye opener and a game changer. i wasn’t so much into clothing then, but the skateboard section/selection and brands they carried and how the layout/vibe/aesthetic of their store was all played a major role in my upbringing and views. i don’t mean to sound melancholy, but this video and the pictures they’ve posted are what i remember and cherish from years past. before the hype, before the “influencers”, these guys and the older skate guys who also worked at the Ward Center, who i now call homies, those are real influencers to me. they dictated what was fresh, just like a dj. and i’ve always thought that in4mation was the dopest name, next to aesthetics, because of that 4 and i always thought they were like an information kiosk, giving us the information as to what was gonna be in, but it wasn’t (haha).
thank you todd, ryan, jun, and keith for being pioneers in this industry, and especially for accepting as me as the lil homie. thank you for also giving a fellow partial asian/Okinawan hope to contribute something to the game. also thank you to giving sometime to have a conversation whenever i see you guys. to 20 years and more fellas! 1 love.


#in4mation #ishallproceedandcontinue #in4mililani

- @nigelpoetic


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