アーペーセーのインスタグラム(apc_paris) - 6月27日 23時55分

A.P.C. is pleased to invite you for a drink at our new A.P.C. VINTAGE store in Paris.

This Wednesday June 29th, from 6 pm.

33 rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris

“From time to time, our clothing talks to us.
This t-shirt at the very bottom of the pile - why don’t we wear it anymore, it asks us.
Other times, we wonder about pieces we own that just don’t do anything for us anymore.
That coat in the closet - do we still want it?
And, generally speaking, don’t we want to change everything from time to time?

I love this phrase by the narrator of Last Summer in the City (Gianfranco Calligarich), a novel about the importance of appearances:
‘Maybe when you have nothing left you realize that appearances are at least something.’

These clothes that, ideally, we would like to renew stay static and useless for too long.
This is why A.P.C. has decided to transform its store on rue Notre Dame de Nazareth in Paris into the A.P.C. VINTAGE store.

You can bring pieces that you no longer need to our stores in France (and receive a voucher in return). And you can use this voucher in our French stores, including the vintage store, where you might find almost-new clothing that other people have brought in.”


#APC #APCvintage #Paris


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Rintarou Asari 浅利 琳太郎のインスタグラム
Rintarou Asari 浅利 琳太郎さんがフォロー
