タラ・リピンスキーのインスタグラム(taralipinski) - 7月2日 23時42分

July 2nd. The day the world got JOHNNY. And we are all better off for it. What a brilliant, funny, caring, sensitive soul that I’m so lucky to call my friend.

J- I hope this year brings you laughter, love and happiness. And never forget all the joy and happiness you bring to all of those around you. You are so special!

Also- I love these pics of us-
Snapshots of my life with you. Traveling the world together and sharing experiences of a lifetime. These pics are also off air moments. Those are my FAVORITE moments with @ジョニー・ウィアー
The giggles, talks and work exhausted naps that have bonded us over all these years.

J, thank you for that- thank you for being you and loving me. I walked away from our month long 2022 Olympic adventure feeling closer to you than ever. We have been through so much together both professionally and personally and I’m truly lucky that I get to do that with you by my side.



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