嵐(ARASHI)のインスタグラム(arashi_5_official) - 9月15日 10時59分
「ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×20 FILM “Record of Memories”」
4K ULTRA HD Blu-ray&Blu-ray が本日9月15日(木) に発売!
2018年11月から2019年12月まで1 年以上に渡り、計50 公演、1 ツアーとして日本史上最大の累計237万5000人の動員を記録した、嵐20周年のツアー「ARASHIAnniversary Tour 5×20」🕺
Link in bio!
Released today, September 15th (Thu) 「ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×20 FILM
“Record of Memories”」 4K ULTRA HD Blu-ray&Blu-ray! Over the course of a year
from November 2018 to December 2019, 「 ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×20 」
recorded 50 shows, 1 tour, and 2,375,000 of the cumulative number of spectators
which was the first of its kind and the largest in Japanese history.
This work is the first live film for ARASHI that recorded the “shooting live” held one
day only at Tokyo Dome on December 23, 2019 in order to shoot the movie.
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