カミーユフォルネのインスタグラム(camillefournet) - 9月27日 02時01分

"In this interactive artwork, you see yourself like in a digital mirror, and suddenly from your eyes — or also your mouth — you see insects coming out, bees coming out, and you can play with them, they follow you, and in a way they look very nice but at the same time maybe also slightly disturbing. So this is something we want to say: our relationship to nature is something very delicate and also very sophisticated.

The carte blanche made it possible for us to create this piece, Apis Humane, and to do so we cut out photos of real plants and also bees, so the innovation is more about the composition and the way the plants move on-screen.

What you see is in fact the result of layering: there are more than 200 animated plants on the screen as well as the image of the camera, and hundreds of bees. Behind that is an algorithm that sees the viewer’s position, their eyes, lips, and movements in front of the screen."
@christa.sommerer and #laurentmignonneau #laurentmignonneauandchristasommerer #camillefournet


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