ハンナ・シューベルトのインスタグラム(schuberthannah) - 11月14日 03時53分

Three years of Therapy✅
PART 3 of things I want to get off my chest

I started therapy back in 2019 because of my eating disorder. At the beginning I thought that the goal will be to find the reason and trigger for my eating problems, remove the triggers and everything will be fine. Well it was pretty stupid to think it would be this easy😅
First of all it’s usually not only one reason that causes an eating disorder but more a combination of a lot of factors. Secondly even if you know all the triggers you can not just remove them because a lot of the time they’re out of your control so what you have to do is work on how you handle those challenging situations so you try to build up healthy coping mechanisms.
At first I thought it’s enough to go through to that one page of my life together with my therapist but no we had to work through that whole freaking book! Yes it’s tough, takes time and you have to be patient but in my opinion it’s so worth it!
If I look back at the person who walked in at her first therapy session in 2019 and now at the one walking out of her last one it’s hard to recognize myself. Of course I’m also 3 years older now but considering how much I’ve grown and how much I’ve learned it feels more like 10 years have passed…

At the beginning of therapy i was moving forward in baby steps and it was easy to overlook the progress.
I had to learn to appreciate the little sucesses and not to brush them under the rug. The steps got bigger and bigger and especially in this past year It feels like a lot has happened and I could see all the work of the last few years of therapy paying off.

Life is full of challenges and there will always be tough times and things I will struggle with. But the time in therapy provided me with skills and confidence so I feel like no matter what’s coming my way - I can handle it💪🏻

I know therapy is not easily accessible for everyone so I’m just thankful I’ve gotten the opportunity to go and to have found a therapist I felt comfortable with right away- not taking that for granted❣️

Going to talk more about the things I learned in therapy in my next posts - this one is already way too long anyway 😅


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