ジョン・スタンメイヤーのインスタグラム(johnstanmeyer) - 10月18日 20時31分

A young girl rests in the Sleeping Sickness ward at the Kajo Keji Civil Hospital in Kajo Keji, South Sudan, run by MSF (Doctors Without Borders) after receiving a daily injection to treat Sleeping Sickness.

I've spend the last week with a team of over 15 MSF aid workers who journey for hours each day on near impassable roads to set up an entire blood testing center in remote villages of South Sudan. They have tested thousands of potential Sleeping Sickness cases, catching hundreds before the illness, spread of the tsetse fly, can cause severe damage.

To discover more about MSF's work on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and other key #GlobalHealth issues, visit http://doctorswithoutborders.org.

In partnership with the @VIIPhoto agency and @MSF_USA, be sure to watch the soon to be released documentary on NTD's titled FATAL NEGLECT:
The Global Health Revolution's Forgotten Patients



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