アラン・カミングのインスタグラム(alancummingreally) - 4月23日 03時21分

In 2002 Barry Humphries was in Vancouver on a stop of a Dame Edna tour. I was there too, shooting X2:X Men United, so I went to the show with a bunch of the hair and make up artistes who turned me into Nightcrawler every day.
The previous film I’d shot was Nicholas Nickelby, which Barry was in too, and we had become chums. Once in the make up trailer, he, Nathan Lane and I were discussing a new musical I had just seen at its Broadway opening. I intimated that it wasn’t my cup of tea. ‘Well’, said Barry. ‘I heard it was so bad the audience left humming the songs from a different show!’
I told him how much I loved Australia and my passion for pie floaters, which are pies floating in pea soup with a squirt of tomato ketchup on the top. He was delighted I even knew about this Australian idiosyncrasy. So when he came to visit the X2 set I asked the caterers to reproduce said delicacy and here I am presenting it to him for lunch.
He was a towering talent, a true Dadaist and committed provocateur. Of course he offended, and latterly wasn’t reading the room as expertly as he had for so many decades, but he was a comedy genius and Australia has lost several of her finest sons (and one superstar daughter) today.


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